Shouldn’t I be writing a book?

In a perfect world, yes. In the real world, there is so much more to the story…

Here’s where I dig into what inspires me, why characters make the choices they do, and what projects are coming next.

Sonic Sunday: “You could be any man. You could be any woman. Just give me a sign…”

There’s always one in every writing project of mine. They often begin as a background character. An outline, a sketch of a person. Perhaps they’re mentioned in passing by a primary character. Perhaps someone passes them in a corridor and holds a brief exchange meant to steer the action. However they appear, what comes next…

Sonic Sunday: “By nightlights, the children pray…”

In 2016, I was confined to bed for medical reasons, forced to be still. Having no distractions, nothing else to do, I slid down a rabbit hole of true crime. It was easy to digest while prone in bed and weary. If my vision blurred, as it sometimes did, I could just listen to the…

Sonic Sunday: “On days like this, you know who your friends are…”

In this new recurring feature, I’ll be spotlighting songs that are currently inspiring me, or feature on the writing playlists of my work. The history of the city I live in, and the complex dynamics between the LGBTQ+ community and police, is a topic best left to those far more eloquent and well-versed than I.…

Another Light…

When I was seventeen, a friend of mine and I impulsively set out on a walk on a summer’s night. It was meant to be an hour to a nearby cemetery. Two haunted young women, chasing ghosts. We kept walking that night, wandering our city. Strangely empowered by the company of each other in a…


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Where Is My Mind?

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