Does your protagonist need a pet? The value of animals in writing.

Most of us have heard about the health benefits animals can have for those who care for them.  Scholarly articles round up studies that show that pets offer therapeutic value for people struggling with depression or chronic illness, as well as soothing loneliness and isolation.  Ask any pet lover and they’ll tell you how muchContinue reading “Does your protagonist need a pet? The value of animals in writing.”

Writing: When to wing it and when to research it

Hello, again!  I’ve been buried in interviews for my other blog.  It’s nice to get back here and chat about my first writing passion. In recent posts, I’ve commented on the importance of research in writing a story.  The little details, whether we realize it or not, do matter.  As a recent example, I wasContinue reading “Writing: When to wing it and when to research it”

Writing Tip: Summary Scenes and Keeping The Reader On Track

When you’re writing a complex tale – say a mystery, or a tale of vast government conspiracy – it’s important to remember that readers may not be sitting down and devouring your work in a single setting.  They may be gobbling up chapter-size bites on public transit or between chores.  If your novel is long,Continue reading “Writing Tip: Summary Scenes and Keeping The Reader On Track”