Guess what? It’s Gonna Be May! (And It Starts With A Free Kindle Day!)

Sometimes, the internet gets it right.  Take 2012, for example, when a Tumblr user noticed that pronunciation of Mr. Timberlake’s and decided to have a giggle about it. The amusement spread and now, it’s a standard meme that circulates every April 30th.  If you’ve somehow missed it, you’re welcome. I don’t profess to be aContinue reading “Guess what? It’s Gonna Be May! (And It Starts With A Free Kindle Day!)”

Does your protagonist need a pet? The value of animals in writing.

Most of us have heard about the health benefits animals can have for those who care for them.  Scholarly articles round up studies that show that pets offer therapeutic value for people struggling with depression or chronic illness, as well as soothing loneliness and isolation.  Ask any pet lover and they’ll tell you how muchContinue reading “Does your protagonist need a pet? The value of animals in writing.”

Sneak Peek: Waiting For A Star To Fall

Autumn Brody thought it was a one-time thing.  A haunted dorm room, with restless spirits seeking justice for the crimes committed against them.  For seventeen months, she’s been able to move forward, believing it to be true. Autumn, it turns out, was very wrong.  She’s not the first in her family to see the dead,Continue reading “Sneak Peek: Waiting For A Star To Fall”