March Break is Meant for Reading!

It’s that time of year again, at least around here:  March Break. When I was in school, this meant ample time to devour new books, while begrudgingly finishing projects and papers that were ruining my fun.  My bag of goodies from the library would hang heavy from my arm, but the comfort of those booksContinue reading “March Break is Meant for Reading!”

Codename WTZ: The Music

I can’t write without music.  I know, zero surprise.  But I can’t. The first step in my writing process (after the initial idea, of course) is building a writing playlist.  For those who don’t work this way, it may seem like a diversion.  “Shouldn’t you be outlining?  Developing character studies?  Doing research?”  Yes, yes IContinue reading “Codename WTZ: The Music”

New Year, New Project

*peeks out from her blanket fortress of winter cozy*  Is it 2016 yet?  Yes?  Excellent! For many people I know, 2015 was a bumpy ride, self included.  It was one of those awkward years, filled with metaphorical growing pains, highs and lows in rapid succession, and Muses that didn’t necessarily want to cooperate on busyContinue reading “New Year, New Project”