Another Light…

When I was seventeen, a friend of mine and I impulsively set out on a walk on a summer’s night. It was meant to be an hour to a nearby cemetery. Two haunted young women, chasing ghosts. We kept walking that night, wandering our city. Strangely empowered by the company of each other in aContinue reading “Another Light…”

End of Year Update (Or, yes, I am still alive. I think.)

It’s been very quiet in my writing world since the early summer.  I know.  For an indie writer, this is a cardinal sin of promotion.  You must constantly be engaging and building your audience.  You must constantly write, share, be real but also be professional, positive, careful… There’s a lot of “must” and “should” forContinue reading “End of Year Update (Or, yes, I am still alive. I think.)”

March Break is Meant for Reading!

It’s that time of year again, at least around here:  March Break. When I was in school, this meant ample time to devour new books, while begrudgingly finishing projects and papers that were ruining my fun.  My bag of goodies from the library would hang heavy from my arm, but the comfort of those booksContinue reading “March Break is Meant for Reading!”